Alternative Title:

Cinderella Monogatari

A Cinderela (Portuguese)

Cendrillon (French)

Cenerentola (Italian)

Kopciuszek (Polish)

La Cenicienta (Spanish)

The Story of Cinderella

سندريلا (Arabic)

シンデレラ物語 (Japanese)

From the original soundtrack CD SONY 4919312 (1998)

26 Episody Story

Running time: half hour for episode


Mastering by Marcello Spiridioni - Video Recording Roma

Broadcasted in more than 16 countries.

Music created only with analog instruments.


Chief Director: Hiroshi Sasagawa

Series Composition: Masaaki Sakurai

Hiroko Naka
Naruhisa Arakawa

Episode Director:
Akihiko Nishiyama
Hiroshi Sasagawa
Takaaki Ishiyama
Yuji Asada

Music: John Sposito

Original creator: Charles Perrault

Animation Director: Shigeru Kato

Director of Photography: Koutaro Yokoyama

Producer: Shuji Uchiyama

Color design: Kumiko Sakuma

Key Animation: Shinsaku Kozuma (eps 1, 4, 13)

Production: Kenji Yoshida

Cinderella came from a noble family. She is the daughter of a wealthy duke who has remarried to provide her with a stepmother and stepsisters. Her mother died due to illness when she was still a young girl, leaving her with a doll, favorite dress, and a pair of glass slippers.

The story begins with the departure of the father of Cinderella for a long business trip. Unfortunately, she was then left alone with her stepmother and two stepsisters, Catherine and Jeanne, who are bitterly envious of her beauty. Afterwards, things change for Cinderella; she ends up handling all the chores in the house, and is forced to live in a small room in the attic of the villa.

Fortunately, Paulette, her Fairy godmother, watched over her, secretly removing troubles that Cinderella faced in various situations as well as giving her the gift of being able to communicate with animals. Cinderella soon befriended four little friends who aided her whenever possible; Patch, her dog, Chuchu and Bingo, two clever little mice and a little bird named Pappy.

During one of the few occasions when Cinderella is able to go into town (she is virtually segregated at home to cope with household chores, while her stepsisters are out having fun), she meets a strange young man who only identifies himself to have a connection with the prince of Emerald Castle. Cinderella initially does not trust him and calls him a fibber repeatedly. However, Cinderella does not know this guy is none other than Prince Charles himself, who, unwilling to stay at the castle to take lessons from his tutor, sometimes runs under the disguise of Alex, his page and great friend.

This marks the beginning of many adventures, including hunting, discovering enchantments, betrayal and conspiracies of the palace that feature the Prince (almost always in disguise), Cinderella and her friends, and her stepmother (who hopes to marry one of her two daughters to Prince Charles). But in the end, Cinderella discovers the true identity of the boy to whom she called a liar several times and is distraught and desperate; how will she make up for what she said to the Prince?.

Meanwhile, the King is organizing a big royal ball, to which all the unmarried girls of the area are invited, so that his son Charles can find a woman to marry. The stepmother and stepsisters were angry that Cinderella was also invited.

After Cinderella helped her stepsisters get ready for the ball, she quickly changed her clothes, wearing her mother's dress. Eventually, the stepmother insists it was an insult and forbid her to go. Then, her stepsisters tore up her invitation.

The Fairy Godmother, always ready to help Cinderella with her magic wand gives her a beautiful gown with the beautiful glass slippers; Cinderella can now go to the ball, but must return before midnight hour when the magic is completed.

This time, Cinderella is to be incognito at the ball; Prince Charles does not recognize that the beautiful princess who appeared out of nowhere was the companion of many adventures. But, come midnight, Cinderella is forced to flee, losing a shoe on the staircase of the building. The Prince was fascinated by the mysterious princess, desperately searching house to house to find her. It was proclaimed that the person whose foot fit into the shoe would become the bride of the Prince.

And thus after many difficulties, Cinderella was proved to be that girl and was brought to the palace. On the day of the marriage, Duke Zaral had something else in mind. He gave poison to the Prince in his drink and kidnapped Cinderella. He took her to top of the Clock Tower and forced the King, Charles' father, to give up his kingdom in lieu of Cinderella since his son was no more.

Suddenly Prince Charles, who did not really die, appeared with the palace guards. He explained that he had already known about Zaral's plan and acted accordingly.

A fierce battle ensued between Zaral and the Prince. At last Zaral fell from the Clock Tower to his death and defeat. Cinderella and Charles were married and lived happily ever after.


From wikja,com




Dubbing Director: Loredana Nicosia

Translation: Marina Mocetti Spagnuolo

Dialogues: Biancamaria De Rossi

Mixing: Moreno Grossi Pometti

Synchronization: Giancarlo Martino

Transcription: Ignazio Giardina


Elisabetta Spinelli as Cenerentola

Aldo Stella as Marco

Annamaria Mantovani as Signora Madre

Claudio Moneta as Carlo

Davide Garbolino as

Diego Sabre as Andrea

Federica Valenti as Papi

Graziella Porta as Ciuciu

M. Tamietti as Caterina

Manuela Tamietti as Caterina

Marcella Silvestri as Giannina

Marina Thovez as Fata

Patrizio Prata as Marcello

Pietro Ubaldi as Paco

Stefano Albertini as Franco



La storia inizia con la partenza del padre di Cenerentola per un lungo viaggio d'affari. La fanciulla rimane quindi sola con la matrigna e le due sorellastre, Caterina e Giannina. Da quel momento per Cenerentola le cose cambiano: deve fare i lavori più ingrati ed umili ed è costretta a vivere in una stanzetta nella soffitta della villa.

Fortunatamente Paulette, la sua Fata madrina, veglia su di lei: oltre a toglierla dai guai di nascosto, le dà il dono di potere comunicare con gli animali. Cenerentola si circonda quindi di nuovi piccoli amici: il cagnolino Paco, i topini Bingo e Ciuciu, l'uccellino Papy e Mischa, la gatta della matrigna (che all'inizio è cattiva con lei ma in seguito le diventa amica), che l'aiutano come possono.

Durante una delle poche occasioni in cui Cenerentola riesce ad andare in città (è praticamente segregata in casa ad occuparsi delle faccende domestiche, mentre le sorelle sono fuori a divertirsi), incontra uno strano giovane, che si vanta nientemeno di essere amico del Principe Carlo. La fanciulla inizialmente non si fida di lui e gli dà ripetutamente del bugiardo. Cenerentola però non sa che questo ragazzo non è altri che il Principe Carlo in persona, che poco propenso a stare al castello a prendere lezioni dal suo precettore, ogni tanto scappa sotto le mentite spoglie di Alessio, suo grande amico e compagno di scherma.

Iniziano qui numerose avventure, tra battute di caccia, tradimenti e congiure di palazzo, che hanno per protagonisti il Principe, quasi sempre in incognito, Cenerentola e la matrigna, che spera di far sposare una delle sue due figlie al migliore partito della città, il Principe Carlo.

Ma alla fine Cenerentola scopre la vera identità del ragazzo al quale ha dato più volte del bugiardo ed è sconvolta e disperata: come farà a rimediare per quello che ha detto al Principe? Intanto il Re organizza una grande festa danzante, alla quale vengono invitate tutte le fanciulle nubili della zona, affinché il figlio Carlo possa trovare la donna da sposare. Anche Cenerentola è invitata, ma la matrigna strappa il suo invito. La Fata madrina però, sempre pronta ad aiutare la ragazza, con la sua bacchetta magica le procura uno splendido abito da sera con delle meravigliose scarpette di cristallo: Cenerentola potrà quindi andare al ballo ma dovrà ritornare prima di mezzanotte, ora in cui la magia sarebbe terminata.

Questa volta è Cenerentola ad essere in incognito, e alla festa il Principe Carlo non riconosce in quella splendida Principessa apparsa dal nulla la compagna di tante avventure. Ma arriva mezzanotte e Cenerentola è costretta a fuggire perdendo una scarpetta sullo scalone del palazzo. Il Principe, rimasto affascinato dalla misteriosa fanciulla, la cerca disperatamente di casa in casa, fino a trovarla. I due giovani possono ora vivere felici, con l'approvazione anche del padre di Cenerentola, finalmente ritornato dal suo lungo viaggio.

Fonte wikipedia